When going on a camping adventure a camping cookware set is a must-have in your camping gear. However, keeping your cooking pots clean while you are out on your camping adventure is very important, however difficult or complex it may seem. Sitting in the lap of nature, you do not have everything at your disposal and have to manage with the little that you may have. Moreover, carrying everything along, be it soap, sponges, scrub pads, or buckets for washing, is not possible. Using artificial and chemical-infused products may even hamper the environment and nature; it may pollute the water streams and the soil.

When the need to clean your pots comes up you need to use the minimal resources you have. Not cleaning your camping utensils may even affect their life and cause a gradual deterioration.

Preparing for Your Trip

Firstly, you cannot just use any utensils, while packing, make sure that you keep compact, stackable, and lightweight utensils like the Hacer Camping Cookware Set, which is very lightweight, stackable, and contains 14 pieces, sufficient for your cooking needs while camping.

Ensure that the camping utensils are made of aluminium, as aluminium is lightweight and conductive, making it heat up faster and easing the cooking process. Aluminium is also very durable and corrosion-resistant, making it suitable for rugged environments and ensuring a longer usage period.

Go for wooden or silicone spatulas, as they are much more lightweight and easy to clean as compared to metal spatulas and resist heat effectively. Choose camping cookware sets like the Hacer Compsor-303 set that comes with a wooden spatula, thus, removing the hassle of buying a separate spatula. Such a kit will also provide you with easy storage for all the pieces that come in the set, so you do not have to buy everything separately.

The next thing you can pack in your camping gear are cleaning essentials, you can pack multi-use organic soaps. Small scrubs and sponges for cleaning supplies are good options too.

There is another hack that you can use to get free from the burden of carrying multiple items in your camp kitchen essentials. For this, you will need a bar of organic soap, a blade or paper cutter and a small empty box of mints like Tic Tac. Start by cutting your soap into thin strips and store it in the completely dried box of mints securely. Now you may take this box along with you wherever you go, being small, it is very handy and you do not need to carry a whole bar of soap. Whenever you need to wash, simply take out the strip and wash your travel cooking set.

Setting Up a Washing Station

Now when you are present at the campsite, make sure that you prepare well for setting up a small but decent enough washing station. Make sure you have a tub or a bucket in your camping gear so that it is much easier to wash your cooking set for camping. You can fill it with water and then wash your pots with it or in it. This will ensure that you do not need to travel to the water source again and again.

However, you also need to make sure that you do not set up the washing station too close to the water source, keep it a little farther, that way you can make sure that the source stays unpolluted.

When setting up the washing station for your camping utensils you can place a water-filled plastic tub and use that as a sink, avoid using too much soap and if you do use soap, make sure it is organic. Set up the station in a flat and clean area, that is clear of any grass or shrubs so that you can place your washed travel cooking set there for drying.

Cleaning Methods

Now when you are all set with your washing station ready for use, you can start with the cleaning. Firstly, scrape off all the food residue in the pots and camping utensils and store it away securely in a garbage bag, so that it can be discarded off properly, later. Next use water to wash off the utensils and pots, you may even use dry mud, or ashes (if available) to scrub your pots and pans. You may also use organic soap or the soap strips that you have created, to wash your camp kitchen essentials. Rinse off the pots once and leave them to dry in the open.

Another hack that you can use to get your cooking set for camping squeaky clean is using river sand. This technique is useful if you are making rice and need to get the residue off your pot. But before using this hack, make sure that you have cleaned and scraped the pot off any residue and only then start with the cleaning process because we do not want to pollute the water. Next, fill the pot with some river sand, close the lid, and then shake the pot well so that the sand scrubs off the reside from each side. After use, throw away the sand and rinse with water and you are done.

Make sure that you use the minimum amount of water possible, and try to rinse all your camping utensils in a tub, so that you do not waste a lot of water. After use check if the water is free of any solid residue and then you can dispose of it on the ground so that it is absorbed into the soil and the water isn’t wasted.

Drying and Storing Utensils

Finally, once you have washed your travel cooking set it’s time to dry it out. We start out by placing the wet camping utensils on a clear patch of land so that the excess water is absorbed by the soil. Once they are dry, wipe them off of any mud or debris that must be sticking to them and store them away properly.

Now if you are using any of the stackable cooking set for camping, it might be easy for you to store them, as the pots come one inside the other. However, if not, try to store the bowls, spoons, spatula and ladles in the bigger pots and cover the larger vessels with a rag or a piece of cloth to avoid any damage to them.


In conclusion, make sure you use lightweight and stackable items in your camp kitchen essentials so that it is easy to carry along. Secondly, keep some essentials on hand for washing your cooking set for camping like sponges, soap flakes, scrub pads etc.

When going for camping, make sure to set up your washing station, so that you can easily wash and dry your travel cooking set. If washing in the wild seems a little too difficult, try out our hacks to make it a tad bit easier, though we can’t assure you that it will become a breeze.

While at it make sure that you also follow suitable practices to avoid contaminating the environment, and discard the residue separately and not in the water streams, in fact, we would suggest that you avoid washing your camping utensils anywhere near the source of water. Avoid the use of soaps unless it is organic and securely throw away the dirty water, without any solid residue of food in the soil, so that it goes back into the ground.

Finally, make sure to store your travel cooking set properly and securely into your camping gear, so that it does not get damaged.

We are sure that these tips will make your cooking and cleaning process easier and keep your cooking set for camping ready for the next time!


What material should I prefer while choosing my camping utensils?

Go for aluminium pots, you can also try non-stick pots. For spatulas and ladles, you can go with wood and silicone, while reusable plastic can be a good option for bowls, plates, spoons and glasses.

How to minimise the wastage and usage of water while washing my travel cooking set?

Use a tub filled with water to wash all camping utensils, avoid using much soap, instead you can use mud, sand or ashes. Scrape off any food residue before washing.

What are some hacks to use to avoid the use of soap?

You can fill the pot with river sand and shake it to remove all dirt. Another thing you may use is dry mud or ashes to scrub your cooking set for camping.

Are there any biodegradable and eco-friendly products available in the market for cleaning?

Yes, there are natural gourd loofas and organic multi-use soaps available in the market that are eco-friendly.

How to dry my travel cooking set?

Keep your camping utensils in a clear patch of land in the open air to dry completely. Finally, wipe them off with a dry rag to remove any residue.